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Occlusives Clogging Pores & Comedogenic Scale...

Writer: taraleetaralee

I talked about this in a recent video you can watch here 

Occlusives have a bad reputation of clogging pores. But the truth is, they don't.

Occlusives help lock in moisture to help prevent trans epidermal water loss. They also help keep out outside stressors. 

The reason they have a reputation of clogged pores is because they do create a layer over the skin, but this doesn't necessarily clog pores.

Pores become clogged because of the over all formula, not because of an occlusive.

Some of you may be thinking, "it actually depends on if the ingredient is high on the comedogenic scale" but this is also not true.

An ingredient can have a high rating on the comedogenic scale, but still not clog YOUR pores.

This is because the comedogenic scale wasn't created by using realistic tests. 

These comedogenic ratings were created by either being tested on a rabbits ear, using skin from the back of humans, using test subjects with larger pores, using only a small amount of test subjects, & the samples are also covered with a bandage, which isn't how we apply lotions in every day life. (all this info is taken from the amazing Lab Beauty Muffin blog, go check it out for a deeper dive into the comedogenic scale) 

It comes down to the over all formula. That is what determines if a product will be pore clogging or not. 

If you see a product at the store with an ingredient that is high on the comedogenic scale, you can not judge it on that alone. You don't know how much of that ingredient is even in the product and you have no idea how your skin will react to that specific blend on ingredients.

& surprise! a product can end up being pore clogging even if it is made with only ingredients that are low on the comedogenic scale. 

You can't judge a product by it's ingredients alone. This is why we test and experiment. 

Yes, you might have a specific ingredient that clogs YOUR pores. That very well may be true. But you can't be sure than an ingredient is pore clogging to you, until you try it in many different product. 

With that all said, are there any ingredients that 100% always breaks you out?


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