Cleansing oil is used before your regular cleanser to help break down dirt, debris, and makeup. Massage into dry skin to break down makeup and dirt then apply water to skin and watch the oil emulsify and turn milky and wash off the skin without leaving the skin feeling greasy.
89.5% Caprylic Carpric Triglyceride (any oil of choice)
10 % Cromollient SCE
0.5% Vitamin E
200 gram Recipe
179 g Caprylic Carpric Triglyceride (any oil of choice)
20 g Cromollient SCE
1 g Vitamin E
Combine all ingredients in any order and mix.
Pour into desired bottle.
Benefits of Each Ingredient;
Caprylic Carpric Triglyceride - moisturizes the skin but doesn’t feel heavy or too greasy. It’s a light weight “none oily” oil
Cromollient SCE - key ingredient that makes this a cleansing oil.
Vitamin E - antioxidant
Caprylic Carpric Triglyceride - any oil of choice
Cromollient SCE - no sub, must have ingredient
Vitamin E - no sub, but you can leave out
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